School Board » School Board

School Board

School Board

St. Elizabeth Parish School Board 

Email for School Board is: [email protected]


The purpose of the consultative School Board (Board) is to:

  1. promote broader participation; 
  2. invite administrative and financial counsel;
  3. formulate policies for the operation of the school, and
  4. assist in maintaining plans of operation 

The Board member's goal is to ensure a successful permanent operation of the school. The Board shall not conflict with the daily operation of the school or other existing or future organizations concerned with providing advice or activities in different areas.


The Board, led by the School Board Chair and Vice Chair, concerns itself with such areas as:

  1. Strategic Planning Committee
  2. Mission (Faith Development Committee)
  3. Finance
  4. Education Committee
  5. Budget and Finance Committee
  6. Development Committee
  7. Marketing and Public Relations Committee
  8. Plant and Facilities Committee
  9. Policy Committee 

We are excited to invite passionate and dedicated members at Large for the upcoming school year. This is a unique opportunity to contribute to our school's success and make a real difference in our community.